My fanfiction runs the gamut from crossovers to self-insert (with a slight caveat which will be explained in a bit) to shonen-ai (my most popular works, as it turns out). I started out with a crossover, and it was actually co-written with my friend Celestial Tiger, or CT. That would be "The World's Worst Cooking Contest", so consider yourself warned on that one, hmmm?
The "self-insert" fics - well...Kivrin (in her various incarnations) isn't QUITE me. But she's a lot like me. She actually belongs to another friend (yes! Two! They're multiplying!), Tavestry. But Tav based her off of me; she sort of took off on her own from there so that now sometimes Kiv does exactly what I WOULDN'T do, but...*shrugs* That's her. So while Kivrin is sort of me, she sort of isn't. Call it my justification for writing these things, but it is still the truth. These are archived here mostly for my own convenience, but you're more than welcome to read them too.
So now you want to know where the original story is that Kivrin comes from? Well...I don't have it. Tavestry has her own website (or something vaguely resembling it - just kidding, Tav!!) and the first Shin Yoroiden Samurai Toopers story - Circles of Blood is being posted there as it's being written. It's also up on Theria's page I believe now. For the link to that, see my Samurai Troopers page.
My YST (okay, technically RW) shonen-ai stuff has proven very popular, which surprised me. I first wrote "Read My Mind" and "Lightning Kisses" a couple of years ago just because I was curious to see what I could do with yaoi/shonen-ai. I deliberately tried to write "Read My Mind" so that it wouldn't sound like me - I envisioned CT and Tav and various other friends teasing me for writing it and didn't want it known.
Then Becky put up Sunlight & Sky, and as I was the one responsible (ultimately), I felt obliged to provide her some fanfic material. I was helping her with this shrine to Seiji & Touma, and I was re-reading and editing my fics in preparation for them to be published. So I was sort of...soaking in the shonen-ai-ness (no dirty comments, please). And I had this vision as I was going to sleep one night. That vision turned into my third story "Hoops of Steel" (still my most popular), and it's been downhill from there.
Also, it doesn't take a keen eye and sharp mind to notice that most of my fanfiction is YST/RW oriented. This takes some explanation.
Slayers is my favorite show. I love it. It's great. It's so great, in fact that...unless you have a really really really good idea, fanfiction for Slayers is...well..bad. ^_^'' Basically what I'm saying is that until I get a really great Slayers fanfic idea, one I feel would do justice to what is, in my opinion, the coolest anime on Earth, then I'm not writing any fics.
YST on the other hand: It's easy to come up with neat, interesting stories involving the Troopers. They're fun to write, easy to write, and THEY COME WITH THEIR OWN SYMBOLISM. I'm not kidding - you can use their armor colors, their virtues, their elements, their's great. This is fanfic authoress heaven, ladies and gentlemen.
Well this has gone on long enough. I don't believe you READ all of this. Of course, I don't believe I WROTE it all. I am soooooooo long-winded sometimes. Enjoy the stories and please, please, PLEASE let me know what you think of 'em, hmmm? Onegaishimasu?